Thursday, September 29, 2016

Lo importante que es una Inspección de Propiedad

Muchas veces compradores ignoran la importancia de la inspección de la propiedad por un inspector profesional. La inspección podría mostrar que lo que parece una propiedad en buenas condiciones es una propiedad que necesita mejoras ó que tiene problemas significantes. El inspector revisa desde cosas simples como condiciones de las ventanas, puertas, toilets,estufas,lavadoras de trastes,presión de agua,fugas de gas, pintura, alfombra, hasta cosas más complejas tales como condiciones de la fundación, el sistema eléctrico, plomería, aire acondicionado, sistema de calentamiento, techo, aparatos, etc. La inspección menciona que cosas están construídas de acuerdo a códigos locales y que cosas no lo están, y muchas veces incluye fotos ó videos de las diferentes partes de la propiedad. El costo de la inspección varía. Para algunas compañías el costo es fijo, otras cobran deacuerdo del tamaño de la propiedad. Costo adicional por inspeccionar la alberca, techo, spa, etc. El tiempo que toma una inspección varía. Es recomendable que los compradores esten presentes durante la inspección. Si usted esta planeando comprar ó vender una casa, hableme Realtor Elena Serafin 951.536.2721

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Las razones por las cuales necesita aseguranza de Título en la compra de su propiedad

1-Falsedad personal del verdadero dueño de la propiedad 2-Los impuestos no pagados de propiedad 3-Falsficaciones de documentos, liberaciones o testamentos 4-Falto de pago de impuestos estatales o federales de ingresos 5-herederos no revelados 6-Otros préstamos contra la propiedad 7-Instrumentos ejecutados bajo el poder de representación no válida 8-Embargos y sentencias en contra los anteriores propietarios Fraude 9-Confusión debido a nombres similares o idénticos 10-Hechos por personas con trastornos mentales 11-Hechos por los menores 12-Hechos por personas que supuestamente son solteros, pero que en realidad están casados 13-La entrega de documentos después de la muerte del otorgante 14-Derechos de los ex-cónyuges de los antiguos propietarios 15-Una influencia indebida sobre un otorgante o el ejecutador 16-Testamentos no correctamente legalizado 17-Mala interpretación de los testamentos y fideicomisos 18-Incorrecta descripción legal 19-Errores en el registro de documentos legales Protejace contra todas estas razones Si usted esta planeando comprar o vender su casa, hableme, Realtor Elena Serafin 951. 536. 2721 web:

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Proceso de Compra de su propiedad

Proceso de Compra Si usted está considerando comprar una casa, es bueno familiarizarse con la función del agente y el prestamista en el proceso de compra. Antes de comenzar a buscar por una casa, es recomendable que usted (comprador) contacte primero al banco/prestamista para ser pre-calificado para un préstamo y para entérarse de los diferentes programas de préstamo. Un vez que usted ha sido pre-calificado, contacte a su agente para que le ayude a encontrar la casa ó propiedad. Cuando usted encuentra la casa con su agente y el vendedor acepta su oferta, el siguiente paso es el traspaso de casa ó propiedad (Ej. en California es a travéz de Escrow). Durante Escrow ó período de traspaso, muchos documentos son firmados: Las instrucciones de escrow son firmados, el banco ordena y lleva acabo la evaluación (appraisal) de la casa, el comprador puede contratar a un inspector para que le inspeccionen la casa, el préstamo es tramitado y aprobado. Si se ha acordado, garantía (home warranty) de casa es proporcionada, igualmente aseguranzas de préstamo (si se aplica) y Título se ordenan. Hacia el final de la transacción, el comprador firma los documentos del préstamo y el banco transfiere el dinero para el pago de la casa; luego la Compañia de Título registra con la ciudad el traspado de la propiedad, nombrando al comprador como el nuevo dueño de la casa. A este punto, la Compañia de Escrow proporsiona al nuevo dueño los documentos del cierre y el agente procede a dar las llaves de la nueva casa al nuevo dueño. Si usted esta planeando comprar una casa, hableme Elena Serafin 951. 536.2721

Monday, September 26, 2016

¿Qué es lo que necesito al hacer una Oferta?

Términos de la oferta: Precio de compra, cuantos días para cerrar el negocio, informar si ocupara ó no ocupara la propiedad, cantidad de deposito, cuantos días para eliminar las contingencias (si existen), cuantos días requiere para inspeccionar la propiedad (si lo necesita), esta comprando la propiedad a si como esta ó no, tiene contingencias de Evaluación (appraisal) ó no, tiene contingencias de préstamo ó no, etc.. Nombre del comprador ó de la organización* que esta comprando Prueba de fondos, bajo el nombre del comprador ó de la organización (con fecha de los últimos 30-días y debe de ser actualizado cada mes). Si usted no está comprando en efectivo/cash, favor de proporcione una carta de aprobación de una institución financiera ó prestamista (con fecha de los últimos 30-días y debe de ser actualizado cada mes). La oferta requiere un cheque de depósito ó deposito electronico es preferible. Si la compra es en efectivo, se recomienda un depósito de al menos el 3% del precio de compra. El cheque debe de estar bajo el nombre de la persona u organización que extiende el cheque. El cheque puede ser pagado a nombre de la Compañía de Escrow ó como el vendedor lo requiera ó por los términos de la oferta. Si usted está haciendo una oferta bajo el nombre de una organización, favor de proporcionar los artículos de la organización. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta ó para hacer cita para ver alguna propiedad, favor de contactarme,951. 536. 2721
Realtor Elena Serafin 951. 536. 2721

Sweet & Spicy Barbecue Sauce

Sweet & Spicy Barbecue Sauce
Sweet & Spicy Barbecue Sauce
Tips & Tricks image Summer can be sweet and spicy, and so can your sauce. Any summer day is the perfect excuse to invite friends for a backyard feast. Prepare this scrumptious sauce up to a week in advance, and have it on hand whenever you decide to fire up the grill. It makes a fine brush-on sauce for just about every type of meat or chicken.

Here's what you'll need and how to put it together:

* 2 cups tomato ketchup
* 1 cup apple cider vinegar
* 1/4 cup shoyu or soy sauce
* 1 cup honey
* 1 tablespoon crushed fennel seeds
* 2 tablespoons red pepper flakes
* 4 tablespoons tamarind pulp
* 2 tablespoons grated fresh ginger
* 3 cloves minced garlic
* 3 tablespoons olive oil
* 2 tablespoons chopped Anaheim pepper

Combine ingredients in a medium-sized saucepan. Bring almost to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer slowly for 10 minutes. Use immediately or cover and refrigerate for up to 1 week. Brush on meat or chicken during the last 15 minutes of grilling or broiling. Discard unused sauce.
Agent Photo
Elena Serafin
Prudential California Realty
Company Logo
(951) 536-2721
- CalBRE# 01938435
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Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Energy Conscious Household

The Energy Conscious Household
The Energy Conscious Household
Tips & Tricks image With energy costs on the rise, it makes sense to look at ways to conserve energy around the home. What follows are several simple steps you can take to make your home more energy efficient.

Replace your incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent lights. Compact fluorescent bulbs last longer and use less energy. They cost more than traditional bulbs but have a service life of up to 15 times longer than incandescent bulbs, thus saving you money over the long haul. The savings on your light bill will be more immediate.

Turn off unused appliances. From television sets to computer systems, when you're done with them, turn them off. You should realize that the monitor consumes more than half the total electricity required by your computer. Energy use, wasted or otherwise, all shows up on your utility bills. Also consider installing motion detectors to reduce unnecessary lighting.

Eliminate phantom load. As long as they are plugged in, many appliances continue to draw power, even when they are turned off. It's a good idea, therefore, to unplug these 'sneak thieves' whenever they are not needed. Hooking such appliances to a power bar allows you to disconnect them at the flip of a switch.

Take advantage of your blinds and drapes. In winter, open your blinds on sunny days to allow sunlight to heat your home, then close them at night to reduce heat loss. Reverse the procedure in summer to block out heat during the day and allow cooler air to circulate at night.

Bundle up you and your floors. Wearing an extra layer of clothing is an easy alternative to raising the thermostat during cold snaps. An extra blanket at night serves the same purpose, while using area rugs on cold floors will help keep your feet warm.

Be kitchen smart. Match the size of pot or pan you use to the appropriate heating element. Heating a small pot on a large element is overkill, and a needless waste of energy. When oven heating, turn the oven off a few minutes early. The stored heat should be enough to finish cooking your food and, in the process, you will shave a little more off your energy bill.

Get the most out of your refrigerator. Make sure the door seal is efficient. It should hold a five dollar bill in place when closed. Where possible, fill your refrigerator to capacity, leaving just enough space around food items to allow cold air to circulate. A full fridge has less air volume and, therefore, recovers more easily from temperature spikes.

Retire older appliances. Choose Energy Star certified appliances. These are far more efficient than their predecessors and provide significant savings over their lifetime. Think twice before casting old appliances in new roles. Using an old fridge in the basement, for example, will only drive up your energy costs.

Install low-flow shower-heads. It takes a lot of energy to heat water, and showers account for up to 40 percent of hot water usage. Low-flow shower-heads can cut water consumption by half. For the minimalists among you, consider retiring your hairdryer in favor of towel-drying your hair.

Wash your laundry in cold water. Up to 90 percent of the energy used by your washing machine is dedicated to heating water. Cold water washing is as effective as warm and, as a bonus, helps to keep your fabric colors bright. If you plan to be away for an extended period, turn your hot water tank off.

Turn the heat down when you sleep. Sleeping in a cooler house is better for your health, both physical and financial. In winter, lower your thermostat to 63 degrees Fahrenheit. In summer, consider installing a ceiling fan as a substitute for cranking up the air conditioning on hot days.

So, while the cost of energy might be beyond your control, energy conservation certainly is not. Application of some or all of the foregoing measures should give you greater control over what you pay for your energy needs. You might get a charge out of that.
Agent Photo
Elena Serafin
Prudential California Realty
Company Logo
(951) 536-2721
- CalBRE# 01938435
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Dog Friendly Backyard

Envelop spaces Playful geometry breaks this backyard into dining and seating circles. The circular landing pads filled with decomposed granite are great for lounging and dining in the backyard, edged by easy-care plants all soft and sturdy enough to withstand dogs—who can run around in the unplanted, unpaved space. Fat, dwarf Atlantic white cedars (Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Heather Bun’) enclose the 10-foot-wide dining area, while ornamental grasses, shrubs, and re
nnials define the 12-foot-wide seating space. A flowering cherry (Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’) shades both circles.

Saturday, September 24, 2016



Friday, September 23, 2016


Ahora es el momento de comprar una casa los intereses siguen bajos, soy una AGENTE de BIENES Y RAICES, que mi objetivo es que usted quede satisfecho, pero sobretodo que usted tenga la certeza que ha hecho la mejor inversion de su vida. DEJE ME AYUDARLES A ENCONTRAR LA CASA DE SU SUENOS!! CONTACTE ME: 951.536. 2721 Realt Elena Serafin

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Tips for Caring for Your Outdoor Furniture

Tips for Caring for Your Outdoor Furniture
Tips for Caring for Your Outdoor Furniture
Tips & Tricks image In order to make the most out of your outdoor furniture and to keep it looking great for as long as possible, you will need to take some extra steps to ensure that it is well cared for. This is particularly the case if you are living in a four-season climate where, for a large portion of the year, you will not be using it. Outdoor furniture may be made from wood, metal or even plastic as is the case with many cheaper sets. The way you care for it will depend largely on what it is made of. Consider the following tips for extending the life of your outdoor furnishings.

Protecting Outdoor Furniture during Winter

There is no point in keeping your furniture outdoors during the months when you're not going to be using it. All that this will do is greatly increase the wear and tear and shorten its lifespan by many years. As soon as the time of the year comes when you know you're not going to be getting any more use out of it for some time, you should place it undercover. If you have some spare space in a dry outbuilding, then use it for storing your furniture. If not, stack it up somewhere out of the way and ensure that it is properly covered by suitable plastic or canvas sheeting. Keeping it out of the winter weather is a must since rain and snow will cause wear and tear very quickly. It is also a good idea to have some covers available so that you can cover it during the summer months at night and whenever it rains. Again, this will also greatly extend its life.

Revitalizing Your Outdoor Furniture

Wood weathers naturally and this does, in itself, lend to its character. Nonetheless, it is important to take steps to prevent rot. You should get into the habit of caring for your furniture every year when you take it out of storage. Thoroughly clean it with soap and water and treat it with varnish, stain or paint as necessary. It may need a couple of coats applied 24 hours apart. In order to prepare the surface, ensure that it is as clean and smooth as possible. Before treating the wood, be sure to check for any loose bolts and replace any as required.

Metal furniture, typically made either from steel, aluminum or iron, is normally much easier to maintain. Just keep a look out for rust with certain types of metal furniture and, if you find any, sand it down and apply some rust-resistant paint. Outdoor furniture made from plastic or resin is even easier to maintain. Looking after such furniture is simply a matter of keeping it clean although it is still a good idea to keep it undercover when you are not using it.
Agent Photo
Elena Serafin
Prudential California Realty
Company Logo
(951) 536-2721
- CalBRE# 01938435
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